If you go to the City of Memphis website, the Finance Division, you will find that the 2009 Adopted Operating Budget has a section missing ( It was taken down after two rape victims were turned away recently from the Sexual Assault Center. Also you will see that the City Attorney's section is missing but you find it under the second listing for Grants and Agencies.
I have found the missing section and have attached it to this email. No wonder they are hiding it. There is over $500,000 difference between what the City received from the state and what they spent. Where is the money?
Concerning the 2010 proposed budget, the most ridiculous statement is in the Mayor's letter in the introduction to the budget. He says the following.
"We've gone through it line by line to identify areas where we can cut costs, modify services and make necessary personnel adjustments. One way we have realized cost savings is by modifying our service delivery model as it relates to our Parks and Public Services Divisions. For example, City golf courses will be open fewer hours, as will community centers and libraries. These measurers enable us to make sure that every full-time employees working for us today has the opportunity to work for us tomorrow. However, since personnel costs make up about 70 percent of our operating budget, we focused on other opportunities to cut expenses in this area. Therefore, rather than laying off a single full-time employee, we have eliminated funding for over 125 vacant positions across the organization. "
Why do they include vacant positions in the budget in the first place? The answer is padding so that they come in under budget.
How about laying off some cronies. Here is some information from a Commercial Appeal article in February 2008 about cronyism appointments for Deputy Directors in Memphis.
- Janet Hooks left the City Council after the legal problems of her husband and was appointed as the Director of Multicultural and Religious Affairs (part of the Public Services and Neighborhood budget) at $75,000/year. Then she went to Community Enhancement at $100,000/year.
- LaSonya Hall, executive division, $100,000
- Tony Elison, public works/solid waste, $100,000
- Michael Gray, library services, $100,000 and last but not least
- Yalanda McFadgon, public services and neighborhoods, $100,000
Think about all of the above as you look at your checkbook as you pay your property taxes this year.
Click here to see the missing 2009 public services and neighborhoods budget
Doens't the city charter allow for 100 appointed positions by the mayor? Doesn't he have about 400....300 more than allowed. Wouldn't you agree that the salaries attached to these positions averages over $50,000.00 a year???? let's see. $50,000.00 times 300. Hummmmm that's over $15,000,000.00 a year we could save. Why isn't someone screaming about this!!!!!!!
Gimme a break, at 3:01 PM
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