
Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008

"Shelby County is now on what we all know is an unsustainable journey to the future." Mayor A. C. Wharton

Congratulations to Mayor Wharton for saying what many of us have known for some time but which few have had the courage to express publicly.

Click here to read the recent Memphis Flyer article stating a fact that few want to face but which is becoming more obvious every day

After reading the article a local person who I respect highly said the following. “Development still shapes policy in this town. Growth is a money maker in the short run and we as citizens pay for it in the long run. We have “bought...built” a bigger “house…community” than we can sustain.”

Memphis has always been run by developers but we can no longer continue to develop without planning and control. Developers hate the thought that this is needed and that the citizens can no longer pay for the schools, roads and infrastructure for their subdivisions and developments. We must plan for a sustainable future or there will be no future for Memphis and Shelby County.


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