October 24, 2006
Herenton challenged critics of his proposal to raise property taxes to show him a better way.
The above statement was in a CA this morning. Watchdog has been publishing examples of how the City of Memphis can save money. They should implement these savings and sources of revenue before they consider any new taxes.
Big hits on local government by Herenton and city council
1. Linebarger contract- 5 million per year savings, cancel this stupid self serving contract and let Bob Patterson collect delinquent taxes.
2. Mata trolley system- 3 million loss per year, do away with this money losing system.
3. January 2001 pension resolution-over $60 million total cost and current cost to date $3.6 million. This is an example of how the Mayor and the City Council threw away our scarce tax money.
4. Convention Center contract-$60 million cost overrun over the initial bid, another example of how they wasted our tax money.
5. Fed Ex arena- 32 million left in pyramid debt and what happened to the extra floor of the parking garage and where is the intermodal transfer point and what happened to the original plans and specifications that no one can seem to find to compare with the “as built” drawings and specs? Some people should go to jail for this scam.
6. Appointed people over and above what is needed or allowed by the City Charter, 5 million per year. Lay these people off and save $5 million per year.
7. Pilots and exempt properties $52 million per year. We desperately need independent oversight on this program and the City Council taking it over will not provide it. Are the recipients of these contracts doing what the contract promised? Who knows but no one is checking.
8. Professional contract given to friends of the Mayor. Change this provision of the City Charter, really get competitive bids and save millions.
9. Don't build the Beale Street Landing as it is not needed and will save $27.5 million.
Herenton challenged critics of his proposal to raise property taxes to show him a better way.
The above statement was in a CA this morning. Watchdog has been publishing examples of how the City of Memphis can save money. They should implement these savings and sources of revenue before they consider any new taxes.
Big hits on local government by Herenton and city council
1. Linebarger contract- 5 million per year savings, cancel this stupid self serving contract and let Bob Patterson collect delinquent taxes.
2. Mata trolley system- 3 million loss per year, do away with this money losing system.
3. January 2001 pension resolution-over $60 million total cost and current cost to date $3.6 million. This is an example of how the Mayor and the City Council threw away our scarce tax money.
4. Convention Center contract-$60 million cost overrun over the initial bid, another example of how they wasted our tax money.
5. Fed Ex arena- 32 million left in pyramid debt and what happened to the extra floor of the parking garage and where is the intermodal transfer point and what happened to the original plans and specifications that no one can seem to find to compare with the “as built” drawings and specs? Some people should go to jail for this scam.
6. Appointed people over and above what is needed or allowed by the City Charter, 5 million per year. Lay these people off and save $5 million per year.
7. Pilots and exempt properties $52 million per year. We desperately need independent oversight on this program and the City Council taking it over will not provide it. Are the recipients of these contracts doing what the contract promised? Who knows but no one is checking.
8. Professional contract given to friends of the Mayor. Change this provision of the City Charter, really get competitive bids and save millions.
9. Don't build the Beale Street Landing as it is not needed and will save $27.5 million.